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School Health Services

                  ** Teachers/Staff Orientation Virtual Training Agenda **

           1. Staff Sign-In

           2. Required Trainings for All Staff
               a. Blood Borne Pathogens Video/Quiz
               b. HIPPA/FERPA Video/Quiz
               c. Anaphylaxis- Epi-Pens Video/Quiz/Return Demonstration (School staff are required to go to the
                  nurse to complete the return demonstration, no more than 2 staff members at a time)
               d. Where are Epi Pens located at your school? ___________
               e. Handwashing Video
               f. COVID19 handout (last page of the booklet).
               g. Calling 911/AED review

           3. Teachers Fact Sheet for head injuries; school professionals.

           4. Your Child’s Head Has Been Hurt handout.

           5. Confidentiality in Review

           6. School Nurse Coordinated Health Clinics- At this time due to COVID 19 times and dates will be
               determined at a later time.

           7. School Health Services Educators: Introduction of Health Educators and Health Education Topics: At
               this time due to COVID 19 times and dates will be determined at a later time.


           8. Additional Handouts Trainings
               a. Asthma-see details on following sheet
               b. Flu Information handout
               c. Seizure handout-Epilepsy Foundation Training (may request throughout the year).
               d. Diabetes Handout-Signs and Symptoms of Hypo/Hyperglycemia
               e. Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke handout
               f. Stroke Warning Signs Handout
               g. Head Lice - see details on following sheet  (GRHC Lice brochure)

           9. Principal Designated School Personnel Medication Training date: At this time due to COVID 19 times
               and dates will be determined at a later time.
               Field Trip Medication Training Date: ___________.  Field Trip Medication Training Date: __________.

           10. Questions/Comments. Fill out evaluation. Have a Wonderful School Year!

        GRHC-SHS; rvsd 6.28.18; rvsd 6.2020 cb; 7.7.2020
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